this time i thought of representing human emotions and their complexity in terms of a mathematical expression. Funny as it may seems but its interesting too.
I thought of a situation where 3 men are interacting each having three types of emotions. Emotions assumed here can be anything like happiness, jealousy, hatred, if we assume three persons to be three functions as l(x,y,z), m(x,y,z) and n(x,y,z). Here x, y and z are emotions and l, m and n are the relation between these emotions in the mind of any person. For the simplest of cases let us take l, m and n to be linear function of x, y and z. Thus, let us take,
l = ax+by+cz,
m = dx+ey+fz,
n = gx+hy+iz.
Here the constants before the variables namely a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h and i are the magnitude in which these emotions prevail in the mind of these persons. When these people meet for the first time their emotions aren't interlinked. So when they negotiate on any matter or they think of developing a mutual notion, the output becomes a product of these emotional functions. so,
output = l(x,y,z).m(x,y,z).n(x,y,z)
= (ax+by+cz).(dx+ey+fz).(gx+hy+iz)
= k1.x^3 + k2.y^3 + k3.z^3 + k4.x.y.z + k5.x^2.y + k6.x^2.z + k7.y^2........
what i want to say by this expression is that almost all the variables combine with themselves and all other variables to create a complex expression even when a simple linear individual expression is involved. Human nature is analogous to this mathematical term , i think. Only difference being, it is, i dont know how many times, more complex. When two or three people meet they develope some kind of notion towards each other and thus one of the terms given in the expression becomes more powerful and all other terms becomes negligible. You can get a simple result by putting two variables equals to 0. Then there will be less terms and the output will be simple. This may be a solution to general lfe problems. As you try to suppress your jealousy and hatred a just and desirable output is valid. For this you need to recognise those variables and eliminate them by hit and trial method. :)
as you can see, these thoughts can be pretty intimidating....i got my control over in 1 or 2 hours and thought it wise to get some booze. I went to adityapur bar and bought a half rum....thanks to bora....oh my god...i shudn't have mentioned this name.....he is a crazy freak....

i think i have mentioned him in other posts but i cant resist myself...last night his adventurous journey lead us to hit-dog-with-your-bike competition aka "kutta maro abhiyan". He artfully succeeded to drive the poor dog away from the campus....well he would easily have jumped into a ditch or would have jumped from a hill with his bike if the dog would have done so....

i don't complain that he is doing some bad.....i am scared for myself yaar....i always suppose it to be my last day when i go on a drive at night with him or rachit....but life goes on that way....and i will be doing those mistakes throughout my life...