Staring at the sky in a cloudless starry night or watching the serene surrounding of Uttarkashi and Hrishikesh, I exclaim "How Beautiful". But why these things seem beautiful to me? Probably due to the simplicity apparent in the surrounding. No artificialism. No mechanisation. No intelligent human interference in the simple nature created by God or any other super-power or just existing there by chance. They have their purpose, a definite life-time and power to influence other entities but not like humans.
Man! you surprise me. You started as a baby, learning from creatures around you. You befriended some who were helpful, murdered others that came in your way and you would stop at nothing. But really this isn't your fault. This is your father's fault.With the power to think, who wouldn't do such a thing. When a tiger kills for his hunger, you call him a beast but being at the top of your society, being deprived of no facility, no necessity, you kill anyway. When a tornado or an earthquake destroys one of your cities you call it a natural disaster but you keep destroying nature's beauty and at the same time, your own peace of mind anyway. You think you will achieve everything but in this process of achieving you lose track of what you gained and lost. You don't even think before acquiring a possession whether it is worth acquiring or not.
The ability of a man to think is his greatest weapon and the God's Single Blunder i would say. He would seek and know everything there is to know but the Ultimate truth. For if he knows that truth he would become God and that knowledge would no more remain the Ultimate truth. If there is any God he wouldn't risk such a knowledge to the unworthy man. If there isn't any, by definition this rank goes to man, being all powerful and no other superior power in sight, and in my opinion he has not yet been able to justify his candidature. If there exists any God my only prayer to him would be to make a subtle change in the process of thinking because if he doesn't do it he will be the man's next victim.
Man! you surprise me. You started as a baby, learning from creatures around you. You befriended some who were helpful, murdered others that came in your way and you would stop at nothing. But really this isn't your fault. This is your father's fault.With the power to think, who wouldn't do such a thing. When a tiger kills for his hunger, you call him a beast but being at the top of your society, being deprived of no facility, no necessity, you kill anyway. When a tornado or an earthquake destroys one of your cities you call it a natural disaster but you keep destroying nature's beauty and at the same time, your own peace of mind anyway. You think you will achieve everything but in this process of achieving you lose track of what you gained and lost. You don't even think before acquiring a possession whether it is worth acquiring or not.
The ability of a man to think is his greatest weapon and the God's Single Blunder i would say. He would seek and know everything there is to know but the Ultimate truth. For if he knows that truth he would become God and that knowledge would no more remain the Ultimate truth. If there is any God he wouldn't risk such a knowledge to the unworthy man. If there isn't any, by definition this rank goes to man, being all powerful and no other superior power in sight, and in my opinion he has not yet been able to justify his candidature. If there exists any God my only prayer to him would be to make a subtle change in the process of thinking because if he doesn't do it he will be the man's next victim.
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