Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mind doesn’t work that way, silly

Standing on the roof of my hostel, smoking weed and listening to Pink Floyd I was trying to justify my philosophy of “live in the moment”, “let your instinct guide you” and “do whatever makes you feel happy”. Later, after studying many great philosophers and thinkers I got to know that this isn’t a prophesy I could boast of discovering. On the contrary, many people said this, lived this theory throughout their life and lived it to a degree which I could never have imagined. But then came stages in my life which convinced me that it wasn’t enough to do things that make me happy for the moment. While it shall be an important aspect of my life, it was also necessary to have a ‘greater goal' or I shall replace the word 'greater goal' with 'long-term plan' if it sounds too cliché. The balance between these two goals shall reap greater rewards as according to Budhha “Avoid the extremes”. I now believe and try to incorporate in my life, the theory that without significant effort and facing hardships one can’t feel the absolute maximum of happiness.

The afore-mentioned theory can be beautifully summarized in the phrase “Gold glitters when it passes the test of fire”. This and many other phrases have been taught to me many times in my childhood but the significance of a philosophy can only be realized through experiments. I pity the sons of great businessmen or celebrities who never had any hardship in their life for they can’t experience the joy of transition from being poor to rich. How can one discover the true richness and taste of water if he had never been thirsty in his life? You can’t discover this feeling in any book or by reading the biography Budhha or Gandhi. You have to discover yourself it by experimenting in your life.

So, shall I leave behind all those little moments of happiness in pursuit of that long-term goal which I am not even sure of achieving? Never! Firstly I am not even sure of achieving the goal. I am not absolutely sure of my capabilities. Secondly, even if I achieve the target, what is the guarantee that this leads to a happier life? I would have ambitions even then and I would not remain human if I don’t. Finally and most importantly, these small and insignificant moments are the ones that define my life. The moment of success will also be a moment if it is destined to be but I can’t sacrifice these innumerable moments in exchange of that one uncertain moment.

Therefore, balance seems to be the only option. Balance between “living in the moment” and “a greater goal”. Balance between “giggling” and “the final laughter or heart-ache”. Balance between “booze and weed nights” and “study nights”. This balance shall define my life for now. I say now because I know nothing is permanent. This theory would have its limitations and I would follow some other theories in coming time. And I am perfectly OK with that because what is life if not change. Even my facebook cover pic says so.

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